Thursday 26 April 2012

Hello I'm Cleo Stella and i am a student here at Yale College Wrexham. I am study my first year of A-levels at the moment which are, media, english language and modern history.

This is a welcoming post to my blog, this is what is going to consist of.

- The Prelim Task is a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom they will exchange a few lines of dialogue. This task will demonstrate our understanding of match on action, shot/reverse shot, and the 180-degree rule.

- The Main Task involves filming and editing the titles and opening of a new Crime fictional film, which has to be a maximum of two minutes in length. 

-This Blog will chart my progress from the Research and Planning, the Construction of the Main Task, through to the Evaluation of the final product. Every post that I blog will be supported by evidence in the form of either images, audio, videos and links to online resources.

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